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Taniya Khan

Updated: Jan 12, 2021


Influencer marketing is a course of action for brands to augment relationships with both a newer audience as well as the existing consumers into becoming more loyal. This method enables marketers to reach target audiences in more efficacious, genuine and affordable ways. You begin with identifying key individuals that relate with your target audience, marketing your brand to those individuals, setting those influencers in motion to promote your brand’s message through their own networks, and meanwhile turning those influencers into loyal brand upholders.

Talking about the “need of the hour” festive season is around the corner! Influencer Marketing during this time becomes more engaging and effective to meet the brand demands. The holiday season is a classic period of brands to gain potential customers but considering the Covid19 situation, relevant influencers marketing the products and services of the brands will definitely make them have an extra edge over others!

There are many reasons to give Influencer marketing a shot, but let’s dig into the Top 5 reasons:

1. You expose your brand to the audience beyond your personal reach

You expose your brand to the audience beyond your personal reach

Promoting your content on the Influencers’ platform will draw you into a pool of potential customers. Your content might reach 500 people per day but the same content on your influencers platform will reach 5000 people, even if 3-4% people get redirected to your website, you can triple your audience!

2. Boosts SEO

Boost SEO

Customers who come across your product on social media will also use search engines to know more about your brand. This is a commonly observed behaviour in customers of researching about the brand before making a decision. The more number of people mention your brand on digital media platforms, the maximum relevance your brand will find on Google and other search engines.

3. Dodge Ad blockers

Dodge Ad blockers

The method used by the company to connect with potential customers via broadcasting blanket ads has been hampered due to the rise of Ad-Blockers while the personal contacts don’t help in the long run. Influencer marketing skips these frustrations by delivering a highly-visible message from a trusted and relevant source.

4. Influencers prove you’re a major player

Influencers prove you’re a major player

A classic approach of the influencers is that they place your brand on the map and make it stand out. Customers will find your brand more appealing if they’re endorsed by reliable personalities. If the influencer is the user of the brand then it entices the viewers to become the customers.

5. Consumers trust recommendations from influencers

Consumers trust recommendations from influencers

Influencer marketing channels the word-of-mouth benefits without the labour of getting each customer to promote your brand. Influencers are the opinion leaders who agree with what your brand stands for and makes your brand credible.

Influencer marketing depends on the spokespeople you choose but also depends upon how substantial are the products or services you offer. Remember, one complements the other!



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