We've witnessed the phrase bandied around a lot by gushing icons and influencers, happily showcasing on social media their newest gifts. But what does it really mean? Gifting is a time-honoured way for the brand or product to get attention. Gifting is also known as seeding, in the expectation of gaining advertising, the process of submitting a product to a star or influencer, free of charge.
In favour of the brand, the aim is always to secure a social media message, immediate satisfaction and extensive marketing. A gifting initiative, though, will also help to increase brand awareness and broader brand advocacy, soliciting recommendations from word of mouth. Every brand knows there's nothing like a celebrity endorsement to offer a major boost to public confidence, so it seems like a no brainer to raid the factory, right? Keep reading as we discuss it in depth!
1. Look for the right targets

Drop the ribbon off the tissue paper and walk up! First and foremost, make sure that you remember celebrities who have an organic bond for your brand, who have used your product of their own volition, or who you sincerely feel will love your product. If you collapse at the first hurdle, none of this is going to yield benefits. To guarantee substantive relationships and optimize the effect, make sure you use a talent management tool such as Influencer Intelligence.
2. Research diligently

This is something we hear a lot, but doing your homework will also give you the edge. Every day, celebrities collect a lot of demos and gifted items and those that make a bond are the brands that stand out. Is he a fashion fanatic? Are they fond of chocolate? Are they popular for their accessories for rocking pets? Finding a way to appeal to them; what they do, what they want, will validate breakthrough (Influencer Intelligence profiles list any related talents or preferences that can help you identify commonalities that support your gifting campaign).
3. Verify before you proceed

Often search until a celebrity sends a product. Blindly reaching out without agreement is a one-way ticket to the back of the bargain bin of a PR worker. Gifting passes to a talent agent nine times out of ten, who gets the original pitch. To keep an eye out for your gift, it is best to be respectful to give their representative a head up. They will also be able to give you a perspective on whether their customer is going to accept or discard the gift.
4. Flatter their Gatekeepers

On that note, make sure that you are acquainted with their agents or publicists, invite them out for brunch, keep the conversation going, and even give them a present. It's a good idea to start on the right foot, especially if there is a broad client list of possible goals for that specific agent. A black mark against your reputation could badly harm the outreach of potential influencers.
5. Make it personalized

Instead of sending out the gifts in bulk, a personalized gift that shows you have thought about the person will give your product that extra edge over other brands. While researching you might come across the various interests of the influencer or celebrity, or would want to complement their style in a personalized note, this will make your association even personal with them which will be shown by the influencer while they endorse your brand on their stories or posts.
As we have discussed Celebrity Gifting in detail, you will know once your gifting campaign is in full swing, you can’t forget to take feedback from them. Augment any tweet on your official channels and repost all mentions. So folks, gear up for 2021 as a lot is on your way!